Things to Know About Solar Tracking System in India

Things to Know About Solar Tracking System in India

Solar technology is developing, and innovations are taking place at a fast pace today. Many solar panel companies are coming up with new equipment designed to boost energy production, giving tough competition to other brands in the industry. The advanced system improves the productivity and efficiency of the equipment. Solar trackers are one of the unique inventions that give an improved power yield throughout the day. The best solar tracking system follows the sun’s movement and revolves itself as per its position to get an optimum level of solar power. Here is everything you need to know about the solar tracking system in India

How Does A Solar Tracking System Function?

A solar tracking system is a specific device that follows the sun’s movement as it rotates across the sky. Tracking is a more innovative system for escalating and mounting photovoltaic panels. The tracker is used to adjust a solar PV plate towards the sunrays so that the panel can attain the maximum possible sunlight. Earlier companies had to compromise in the power yield as the systems were not designed to trace the sun and orient to the right angle. Thus, they could not get solar power at all times of the day. Solar trackers are advanced systems that can rotate to track the sun when it moves across the entire sky, thus attaining maximum sunrays and increasing the energy productivity of the panel system.

They design solar tracking systems to track the sun at all times to boost energy output. It works with the help of specific software and drivers. Some tracking systems work with compressed liquid and gas, while some trackers work with small PV panels that can efficiently power the driving systems.

Solar Tracking System – Advantages

  • Solar trackers produce more electricity than stationary counterparts, and the efficiency can be around 15 to 25 percent, depending on the location of the setup.
  • Solar tracking systems are an effective tool for land optimization since they can produce more energy than fixed-tilt counterparts while using the same amount of space.
  • There are two different solar tracking systems, such as single-axis and dual-axis. However, the selection of the system depends on the PV plant dimensions, the amount of space, the local weather conditions, and the electrical needs of the project.
  • A solar tracking system aids in boosting the energy increase during peak time periods by following the sun in the sky and catching its energy throughout the day.
  • In today’s advanced solar trackers, some system-level monitors help the tracking despite harsh weather conditions.
  • Solar tracking system increases energy production as well as improves the way the energy output is delivered. Also, a solar tracker will allow you to extend the time of existing maximum power and therefore generate energy with better capacity for more hours a day.

So, solar tracking systems in India are powerful tools that can give you a better return on investment. However, it is vital to choose the best solar tracker, depending on the budget and requirement. They can work more efficiently if they get proper site conditions, ideal location, and proper climate.